If you have seen more than three of these signs lately in your life, your life will change in a way that you cannot imagine.

One, you’re going through a rough period of time. We wouldn’t know how the light looks like if we didn’t have darkness, the same way as we would never know what happiness feels like unless we feel sadness and grief.

Two, you know that you’re meant for more. God planted the seed of your ambitions in your mind for a reason, and he wants you to follow that. Knowing that you’re meant for more is the first step into getting it.

Three, your kindness has not been paid back. You are a kind and loving heart, but the world didn’t pay you back properly.
All the goodness you’re giving to the world is accumulating to be paid back fully in a great way.

Four, you feel like you don’t fit in your surroundings. There was no great man in the history of humankind that has been understood and appreciated in his or her time, yet they changed the world.

5. You feel like the world itself is always trying to put you down. Nothing can be put down if it isn’t going up already. Nothing can destroy a great spirit that God has prepared greatness for. Don’t worry. Your time is coming. If you’ve come this far in the video, I want you to comment, Amen, as a sign of understanding that God is working in his mysterious ways. And you are his prospect this time.


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