The armor of God is one of the most important spiritual equipment every Christian has to wear. This supernatural shield keeps you from the attacks of the enemy and always has to be worn daily. Whether you are a newly saved believer or not, it is your responsibility to put on this armor. The reason is because if you fail to put on the armor of God, the enemy will fire shots or afflictions against you when you least expect it and you won’t be able to stand against it. In the book of Ephesians chapter 6 verse 11, the apostle Paul instructed believers to put on the whole armor of God so that they may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. In verse 13, he also emphasized that it should be worn so that we may be able to withstand an evil day.
An evil day is a day when the enemy launches an attack at you when you least expect it. Usually it can take the enemy a while to plan strategies against you, but on a certain day when you least expect, you might find attacks coming from different angles. This is what is known as an evil day. Most believers put on their armor but a majority never do. And even the smaller percentage that put on their armor often have many pieces missing, cracked or damaged. And when this happens, it leaves openings for the enemy to throw all kinds of attacks against them. In this video, I will explain five things that happens to a believer when their armor gets broken or cracked. So without wasting much of your time, let’s get into it.
Number one, you lose your spiritual covering and protection. The armor of God is what provides a protective spiritual covering over a believer’s life. Each part works together to guard your mind, heart, and spirit from the enemy’s attacks. When there is a crack in your armor, it leaves openings for spiritual injuries. Let me explain. There are six major parts that come together to form a full armor of God. the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit. Each of these pieces are extremely important and must always be complete. If one is missing or cracked you might leave yourself vulnerable to attacks. Let’s say if your helmet of salvation is missing or cracked, for example, what might happen is that the enemy might fire shots against you or afflict you in the area of your salvation.
Once you are shot, you might begin to find yourself questioning your faith or doubting your salvation. This is why sometimes you might find someone who once believed in Jesus suddenly start losing interest and feeling reluctant to go to church, or they might start making excuses as to why they no longer want to attend prayer meetings or spend time in God’s presence. Also, if that person’s breastplate of righteousness is missing or cracked, that person might also begin to find themselves compromising in sin. They might still go to church, but they will still continue to indulge in secret sin. What has happened is that the individual in question has eventually become exposed to the enemy’s attacks because they have become unprotected by God’s supernatural defense system.
Without the full covering of God’s armor, you lose spiritual protection and covering, leaving gaps for the enemy to strike you more easily. Some scriptures that illustrate the protective spiritual covering of God’s armor are scriptures like Psalm 5 verse 12, which says, For you bless the righteous, O Lord, you cover him with favor as with a shield. And Psalm 91 verse 4, which says, He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. These verses use imagery like a shield and garments of vengeance to describe how God covers and defends his people. Number 2. you lose your spiritual authority. The armor of god always grants you spiritual authority over the enemy.
For example, the sword of the spirit which is the word of god allows you to use your god-given authority over the devil. But when your armor is cracked or broken, what will happen is that principalities or spiritual forces will refuse to respond to your words. Let me explain. When you become born again, you receive the holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also brings along with him a spiritual power and authority called dunamis power. Dunamis power allows you to be a witness for Christ, but as you continue to grow and fellowship with Christ, the Holy Spirit grants you another greater level of power, known as exousia. Exousia power is the power that gives you the ability to trample upon serpents and scorpions, it gives you authority to command demons to flee in the name of Jesus, and they will flee from you.
The problem is, that the exousia power is only given to you when you are in right standing with God. It cannot be given to you when you walk in disobedience. This is why not just anybody has the authority to cast out demons, because demons do not respect those who don’t respect Christ. In Luke 10.19 Jesus said, Behold, I give unto you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. The word power in this verse is translated from the same word exousia, which means delegated power. This kind of power is only given to you when you walk in obedience to Christ. So if you are actively living in sin, you will lack this kind of spiritual authority to put demons in their place.
Satan and his demons bow down to the name of Jesus, but they only respond to someone who is submitted to God. In James 4 verse 7, the Bible tells us to submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Notice that it starts off by saying we should first submit ourselves to God. The Greek word for submit means to yield to under another’s authority. When we surrender fully to the Lordship of Christ, Satan’s power over us is broken. Number three, it grants legal rights to the enemy. When a believer’s spiritual armor is compromised, it grants the enemy greater access and legal rights to attack them. When you put on the armor of God, the enemy can always see from afar that you are covered and protected.
This naturally discourages the enemy from attacking you, because it shows him that you are well protected. But when your armor is broken or cracked, it tells the enemy that you must have done something wrong to have it cracked in the first place. And because the enemy knows that a cracked armor means you are not in right standing with God, it will give the devil more room to attack you. The armor is intended as a defense system against spiritual attacks, Without it, the enemy has openings to afflict and infiltrate the believer’s life in greater measure. It also removes hindrances to the enemy carrying out assignments against you. Sometimes these assignments may manifest in different ways. Sometimes they might come in the form of increased temptation or sin, financial attacks, relationship issues, illness, confusion, and more.
The enemy strategically targets weak spots looking for ways to gain ground.

Ephesians 4 verse 27 instructs us, not to give the devil a foothold. But cracks in our armor provide footholds for satanic assignments to take root. Without the armor on completely, we are more vulnerable and exposed. 1 Peter 5 verse 8 reveals that the enemy roams looking for openings to devour believers. When your armor has cracks, it facilitates this. Instead of attacks bouncing off or being nullified, they can more easily penetrate and inflict damage. This is why you might sometimes find a fervent Christian suddenly falling sick, or someone who goes to church or carries out normal religious activities facing financial troubles. This is because, without the full armor of God on you, you are like a man who sleeps with his house open.
Thieves can walk in and out and cause damage whenever they like. 4. Deception and false beliefs easily take hold. Another repercussion of a cracked spiritual armor is in the mental and spiritual realm. It leaves you more prone to believing lies, false teachings, toxic mindsets, and deception. A primary target of the enemy is always our minds. When our armor is intact, we have a greater spiritual discernment to recognize deceit. But when cracks emerge in the belt of truth or the helmet of salvation, it impairs our ability to discern truth from lies. This is because the armor protects what we believe, our doctrines, thought patterns, and spiritual worldviews. We rely on it to defend against beliefs opposed to God’s Word. But with vulnerabilities in our armor, we are more susceptible to false doctrines, toxic thinking, and demonic deception.
The enemy looks for doctrinal vulnerabilities and errors in thinking to exploit through lies and false teachings. Without the armor’s sound mental protection, it’s easier for deception to take root and distort the truth. As 2 Corinthians 10 verse 5 says, we must take every thought captive to christ but cracks in our spiritual helmet and belt make this much more difficult it enables false beliefs and teachings to more easily infiltrate our minds unchallenged number five it hinders your spiritual senses in addition to deception taking hold more easily a compromised armor also dulls our spiritual senses and discernment when our armor is intact we have greater sensitivity to the spiritual realm and clarity when hearing from God. The armor protects the flow of spiritual revelation and discernment, keeping it undefiled.
But when cracks emerge in the armor, especially around the helmet of salvation and the belt of truth, it affects this free flow of spiritual discernment. It’s like how armor protects a soldier’s senses. Without it, they are more dulled and vulnerable. In the same way, cracked spiritual armor restricts the flow of spiritual revelation, deafens our spiritual hearing and blinds our spiritual eyes. This impaired discernment results in no longer detecting dangers, struggles sensing God’s voice, and a lack of clarity regarding His truths, will, and ways. Additionally, the breastplate covers the heart which is key for spiritual discernment. When the heart is unguarded due to cracked armor, it clouds hearing from God and spiritual sensitivity. Without attentiveness to keeping the armor intact, Our vital spiritual senses are dulled leaving us without this needed discernment.
So generally speaking, a compromised spiritual armor leaves believers more exposed and vulnerable on multiple fronts, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. From loss of protection to relinquished authority, impaired spiritual senses and so on. The dangers are endless. This reveals just how essential it is to be diligent in putting on the full armor of God daily, as Ephesians 6 instructs, inspecting it for cracks and mending any vulnerabilities. Only when it covers us completely can we walk fully shielded from the wiles of the devil. I pray this breakdown has provided greater understanding and motivation to be watchful stewards of the supernatural armor God grants us. It is our vital defense against the forces of darkness. So there you have it. Thank you for watching. If you love our videos,
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