Do you remember the women in the New Testament who endured the bleeding illness for 12 years? She had spent all she had on Physicians but things only got worse. She had heard of Jesus his power to heal was well known, but could he heal her and how could she even get near him her sickness made her unclean according The law of Moses and therefore she was required to stay away from others. Approaching him openly and ask you for healing seemed out of the question. Still she thought if I may touch but his clothes. I shall be whole at last her faith over came her fear. She braved the center of others and pressed toward the senior. Finally. She was Within Reach she extended her hand, and she was healed. Andreea, somewhat like this woman. There may be many reasons why. We hesitate to draw near to the Savior. We may face ridicule or condemnation by others. In our pride, we may dismiss the possibility of something so simple being of so much value. We may think that our condition somehow disqualifies us from his healing that the distance is too great for hours since too many. Like this woman. I have learned that if we draw near to God and reach out to touch him. We can indeed find Healing peace and joy.


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