The first time I met you, you were badly injured by your mother. 

When I went to see you the second time, I learned that you had six siblings, but the other five had all been bitten to death by your mother.

The third time I visited you, you were desperately searching for food.I bought you some milk and wanted to take you home, but your owner refused. 

The fourth time I saw you, you were shivering from the cold, but your owner still wouldn’t let me buy you. 

The fifth time I went to see you, you snuggled up next to me, but your owner still didn’t agree.

The sixth time I visited, you were sleeping. This time, your owner finally agreed to sell you to me for $500. You didn’t cry or fuss in the car.You had your first milk formula after we got home. The unfamiliar environment made you miss your mother. After all, you were only a month old, and there were still marks on your head from your mother’s bites.We went to see the vet together, and you got better day by day. Your smile is the best proof of that.


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