In the journey of faith, it’s essential to be aware of the spiritual influences that can lead us astray. Here are six spirits you must avoid to maintain a peaceful and righteous life. Number one, spirit of fear. Fear paralyzes and prevents you from stepping into God’s purpose. Trust in God’s perfect love which casts out all fear and face challenges with courage and faith. Number two, spirit of pride. Pride leads to a fall, making you think you are self-sufficient and not in need of God. Embrace humility, acknowledging that every good thing comes from the Lord. Number three, spirit of anger. Uncontrolled anger can lead to sin and broken relationships. Practice patience and forgiveness, allowing God’s peace to reign in your heart.

Spirit of Deception Deception twists the truth and leads you away from God’s Word. Stay grounded in the Bible and seek the Holy Spirit’s discernment to recognize and reject lies. 5. Spirit of Jealousy Jealousy breeds resentment and division. Celebrate others’ successes and focus on the unique path God has for you, knowing His plans for you are good. Number six, spirit of laziness. Laziness hinders your progress and effectiveness in God’s kingdom. Embrace diligence and perseverance, working as if for the Lord in all you do. Guard your heart and spirit. Against these negative influences, by staying close to God and seeking His guidance, you can lead a life of peace, purpose, and righteousness. Follow for more spiritual guidance and inspiration.


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