One, recognizing my flaws. I’ve been reading the Bible and taking notes, trying to understand what God wants from me. One thing that stood out was my mouth. It’s a trait that’s taken me back so many steps in my faith journey. But then God asked me, what are you doing with your eyes? What are you doing with your ears? What are you doing with your hands? eyes I prayed for God to open my eyes and suddenly I started seeing a lot more problems around me. It was overwhelming and I found myself thinking, I wish I never prayed for that. It was hard to swallow all at once. But then God reminded me, if I gave you the ability to see it, don’t you think I could give you the ability to see it and stand in confidence?
Three, finding confidence in God. I realized I was relying too much on myself. I kept thinking, I need to do this. I need to be like that. It got to the point where I broke down in front of my mom, crying about how I wasn’t enough. My mom listened and then said, that’s a lot of I. When are you going to bring up your Lord? Four, shifting focus to God. That hit me hard. The times I felt lost and confused were the times I was focusing on my problems, Not on God. I was so tunnel visioned on the issue that I forgot the solution was right in front of me. The living word. By turning my focus to God, I not only found the medicine for my struggles, but also peace and joy.

Overcoming with God’s strength. With God at the forefront, I looked back at my problems and realized I could overcome them. Because I wasn’t facing them alone, I sent my God before me. Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is. Drop an amen if you have God in your heart. My blessings come from the grace of God. God bless.


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