Many Christians are confused as to how they should thank God for the very good things he has done for them. In this article I present four best ways of saying thank you to God.

Thank God with your mouth.

The simplest way to thank God is with your mouth. During your time of prayer, thank God for the life He has given you. Second, thank God for bringing Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit into your life. Third, thank Him for the food He gives you daily.

Also thank God for the family he has given you. Additionally, thank Him for His protection and thank Him for the good plans He has for you.


Most Christians on earth earn money in one way or another. The best way of thanking God is to deduct 10 percent of your earnings, put that cash in an envelope and present it in the Lord’s house, the Church.

Not only does the tithe thank God, it also establishes a very good relationship between you and our Father in Heaven.


After presenting your tithe to the house of God, another way of thanking God is to put some money in an envelope, pray over it thanking God for all the good things he has done for you and take it to your church.

Like a tithe, an offering establishes a very good relationship between you and our Father in Heaven.

Staying away from sin.

.Another way of thanking God for all the good things he has done for you is to stay away from sin. Our Father in Heaven is very pleased when you keep away from sin.

God will be displeased if you live a life of sin even if you thank him with your mouth, bring your tithes and offerings to the church.

Organizing a thanksgiving function.

You can thank God by working with your church to organize a special thanksgiving function either in your home of at your church. God will be very pleased with you if you make this function.


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