Sometimes our Father in Heaven is grieved by some of the things going on in this world. God sees many people’s hearts inclined towards wickedness, instead of righteousness.

In such situations, our Father in Heaven keeps on regretting why he created human beings (Genesis 6:5-6). When this happens, you can do something that can make God smile.

In this article I give you 20 things you can do to make God smile. These twenty actions can take away God’s stress.

Repenting of your bad ways of living.

Our Father in Heaven smiles when you repent of your sinful ways.

When you opt for righteousness.

God will smile every time you opt for righteousness, instead of wickedness.

Having good thoughts and imaginations.

Our Father in Heaven will smile when he sees you having good thoughts and imaginations.

Seeking God’s Kingdom.

God smiles when he sees someone seeking the heavenly kingdom. For example, when you go to church.

Bringing someone to the Kingdom of God.

God will smile every time you bring someone from Satan’s Kingdom to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Focusing on heavenly things.

Our Father in Heaven will smile every time you focus on eternal things, instead of worldly things.

Helping the needy.

God will smile every time you help someone a needy person.

Reading God’s word written in the Bible.

Our Father in Heaven smiles when he sees you reading his written word in the Bible.

Praising and worshipping God.

Our Father in Heaven smiles when he sees you praising and worshipping him.

Helping an orphan.

God will smile when he sees you helping an orphan.

Helping a widow.

God will smile when he sees you helping a widow.

Attending a Christian meeting.

Our Father in Heaven will smile when he sees you going to attend a Christian meeting.


Our Father in Heaven will smile when he sees you praying.


God will smile when he sees you forgiving a person who has wronged you.

Building a church building.

God smiles when he sees you helping to put up a church building.

Visiting and praying for the sick.

God smiles when you visit and pray for a sick person.

Visiting someone in prison.

You make God smile when you visit a prisoner.

Blessing your parents.

Our Father in Heaven will smile when he sees you blessing your parents in any way.

Making a fair judgment.

God will smile when he sees you making a fair and just judgement. Unfair judgement always makes God very sad.

Leading someone to righteousness.

Our Father in Heaven will smile when he sees you leading someone to righteousness, instead of leading someone into sin. Your star will shine for ever and ever (Daniel 12:3).


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