Number one, the first sign God has called you is when you start seeing things others can’t. You bring a different perspective because you don’t just rely on your physical senses. You also see things through your spirit. The Bible means this when it says, but my servant Caleb had another spirit within him. When God calls you, he awakens your spirit and your intuition becomes sharper.

Number two, being humble and kind is essential as it aligns with God’s word. The Bible teaches that God will lift us if we are humble. It is important never to think we are too blessed for God to replace us. Pride and entitlement lead to rejection. Psalms 25 9 says that God guides the humble.

Number three, the third sign that God has called you is that you are a follower of God, not of men. When God speaks, you obey, regardless of what others may say. You are not swayed by mere information, but by divine revelation. When God calls you, you do not rely on the opinions of others or the media, but you listen to what God says about individuals or situations.

Number four, isolation is a season of separation where you no longer fit in and the force repels you whenever you try. God separates those he wants to use before using them. This season may cause misunderstanding and rejection, but know this, you are not rejected, but you are being directed individually. It is a sign that God has chosen you.

Sign number five, that you are called or chosen by God is that you are a seeker of truth. If you love the truth, you are on the right path. But what is the truth? According to the Bible, the truth is the word of God. As John 17, 17 says, sanctify them by thy truth. Thy word is thy truth.

Sign number six, God speaks to you in your dreams. Job 33, 14 through 15. Pay attention as your dreams could hold important insights and what you see in them could come true.

Sign number seven. When you lose your appetite for worldly things, you become more focused on doing God’s work.

Sign number eight. It’s a spiritual burden that God places on you. It’s pulling you towards something you’re called and chosen to do.
The more you resist it, the stronger it persists. Once you follow it, you’ll feel fulfilled and move exactly as the Spirit of God instructs you.

Sign number nine, you will face betrayal or you will be betrayed.

Sign number 10, as a believer in Christ, you can interpret prayers spoken in tongues. You may also have the gift of healing, even if you’re not a pastor. These gifts are outlined in 1 Corinthians chapter 12.

Sign number 11, embarking on a spiritual journey can cause people to view you differently, failing to understand the new language of communication. and losing friends, relationships, and even family members. Jesus faced this when his family came looking for him, but he remained steadfast and confidently replied, my brothers and my mother are here with me.

Sign number 12, persecution is an unjust attack on your faith that followers of Jesus may confront. Jesus warned his followers that they would face it, and it’s one of the challenges Christians may have to endure. do it. It can happen online, at church, or even at home. Your colleagues might target you even at work, but remember, it’s because you are chosen.

Sign number 13. Those whom God calls have an unshakable belief in miracles. Nothing is impossible. They possess the authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, and speak in tongues. This authority is unique and reserved for the chosen.

Sign number 14. You have a desire to preach the gospel. You have to preach yourself. This means you are not trying to promote yourself by telling people whatever you are about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sometimes people are hungry for power and may see you just as another man of God doing something. They may think they can preach better than you because they are more what? Successful and educated. However, it’s important to remember The only thing that is needed for them and for you is to be a believer.

Sign number fifteen. God sends a covenant man to teach you. Your spirit will connect with them even if they are estranged from a far off place. Watch for the signs as God may send you a teacher.

Sign sixteen. When you get confirmation to say this and people say it happened.

Sign number seventeen. You help others but rarely get help. always call you, but when you need them, they are unavailable.
Why? Because you were chosen to be a servant according to Matthew 20, 26-28.

Sign number 18. Your deepest desire is to lead people away from sin and towards God. You yearn for their repentance and awakening to Jesus Christ. Seeing the laws found confirms your calling. You are chosen to draw everybody closer to God.

Sign number 19. You love God for who He is. Material things do not sway you. You follow God with pure devotion, not personal gain. Your love for God burns fiercely within you. Therefore, according to Isaiah 58, you are chosen to rebuild the city of Sheol.


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