Did you know that God’s name is written in our DNA? 

Have you noticed that all the works of art have the name of their author engraved, haven’t you? A group of researchers from the United States discovered that the numerical pattern 10-5-6-5 is always repeated in our DNA.

Intrigued, the scientists tried to decipher this code and had the idea of replacing the numbers with Hebrew letters. That’s how they got to the next sequence.Yod, hey, vav, hey. In our alphabet, these letters correspond to Y-H-W-E-H, read as Yahweh. 

And do you know what that word means? Yahweh? Yes, the name of God in Hebrew.If we take into account that the human body has an average of 37 billion cells, we can conclude that every piece of our body bears the signature of God. If you’re still here, comment, God is faithful.


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