In the name of Jesus, this person who just entered in this video, God has two powerful blessings that the Lord has provided for you. If you believe, stay until the end to receive these blessings and share this to bless those around you. 

The first blessing that the Lord has for you is the healing of your sick and the liberation of those who persecute you and only want your harm.Lord, with your power, begin to heal all the sick and free that person from their persecutors. May your light illuminate every heart and bring peace to those who suffer. May your protective hand be upon each person who seeks your help.May your grace comfort those who are afflicted.

 And now, Lord, I ask that you take action and financially bless this person who is facing difficulties. May your supply be abundant and may your doors be open to the blessings that the Lord has prepared.May the wisdom and guidance of the Lord be upon each one who seeks to progress financially and may prosperity be a reality in your lives. 

I pray that these two blessings will be released upon each life here, that healing and deliverance will bring joy and peace and that financial prosperity will bring freedom and abundance into your life. If you believe and have already taken possession of this in your heart, write, I believe in Jesus’s name in the comments.May God bless you and your family.


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