Why is worshiping Jesus Christ so important?

Because worship is the opposite of sin. Worship is the opposite of selfishness. Worship is the opposite of evil. And as you and I worship God, as you and I worship Christ, He draws us out of selfishness, out of wrongdoing, into centering our lives in Him. Know that God is God. God is not a figment of my imagination. God is not a convenient illusion or a delusion.

God is the creator of heaven and earth. And God has revealed through Jesus Christ and the Bible that he’s just, He’s holy, He’s good to the core. He’s a faithful God who keeps his promises. He keeps his word. That is why you can put your faith in him and build your life on Him.
He’s a God who is gracious and forgiving.

And when you and I blow it, He offers us forgiveness. He’s a God who’s patient. He understands that we are dust, there were human beings with a very limited short life here on earth. He wants to give us eternal life. He’s a patient God, though, and He hangs in there with us, even when we’re confused, even when we’re rebellious, even when we’re playing the prodigal.

Worshiping God means to center yourself in God. Be still. Take time out to reflect, to think deeply about life, about Christ, to focus on God. Be still and know that I am God.


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