I don’t know who needs to hear the following message but it came to me like rapid fire and I strongly believe the Lord is talking to someone who needs it today. It could be you, friend! God’s blessings will come. God’s blessings will come back. They are not too far. They have not vanished. What you have to do is hang onto hope and trust that things are going to get better. You are going to have a better tomorrow. Your present day sufferings don’t compare to the glory that’s to come. Jesus’ glory is going to shine in your life again. You are going to see His love manifested in a big way. His love never dwindles and nothing can stop Him from loving you. You are not going through a hard time now because God doesn’t love you as much. You are going through this season because life has its ups and downs but even when you are in the valley, God is watching over you. Don’t fret. Don’t panic. The Holy Spirit is in you and God is with you. Great days are coming. You have seen nothing yet. What God is going to do for you is going to silence the negative thoughts and the fears that have been crippling you. The best is yet to come and that is an understatement. God is lining up blessings that are going to take your breath away. The blessings are going to rain on your life. It is going to be a heavy downpour of God’s goodness. This is going to be unprecedented but God can turn it into a lifestyle for you.

A few weeks ago when I was praying, the Lord softly asked me to embrace His life of blessings. I believe He blesses us and I believe in miracles but I needed a nudge. I needed a deeper revelation about the life of blessings He has for us. It is not a life void of difficulties. It is a life where blessings overcome trials and tribulations are conquered. I have said this before but I have to say it again. Jesus never promised that we would live on a bed of roses with no problems. He declared that the problems would come and He also said that He had conquered them. When we stay in Him, when we trust Him despite the hard times, blessings come.There are many blessings listed in the Bible and you, dear friend, are entitled to them as you keep your faith in Jesus. You have the blessed assurance that if you knock on His door, He will answer. Knock away. Let your prayers be knocks on the door of Heaven. The Lord is right there and He can give you what you need and more. Expect a life of blessings. Expect miracles. Have faith in the miraculous. It doesn’t matter if nothing extraordinary is happening around you. Dig inside your heart and you will find the peace that is a true miracle. God gives only good things and He is doing a great work in you. He is not done. He is not finished. You are going to go from glory to glory.

A life of blessings is a life lived with the awareness of Jesus and with faith in His Word. Jesus is the biggest blessing of all and when you lean on Him, only great things ensue. He rights your wrongs and He fixes your life. Not only can He fix what’s broken but He can replace it with blessings out of this world. His blessings are making their way to you, friend. It is a truth that you should keep close to you. Write it on the walls of your heart. Engrave it in your mind. Speak it all the time. Jesus loves you. He died for you. He died so you would have life in abundance. Abundance is being delivered into your life. Grab it with your hands of faith. Reject the lies of the enemy. It is going to get better. Things are going to be really good for you. The Lord is taking extremely good care of you. Declare His blessings into your life. Embrace His life of blessings. Embark on a higher journey of faith where you dare to believe in the impossible. You are going to make it and you are going to bless so many people because God’s blessings for you are meant to spill out and touch others. Don’t throw in the towel. Amazing things are going to take place. Stay encouraged! May God bless you and protect you and remember that He will always love you!


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