Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise. I thank you, Lord, for being in my life. You provide me with the shelter from life’s storms, from life’s difficulties. I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection and preservation of life. Lord, you have said you will not allow sickness and disease to come near me. I therefore declare that sickness and disease are far from me.

I pray that you protect me and my family from everything we cannot see that tries to harm us. No demon from hell, no unclean spirit, no generational curses, no misfortune will touch me or my family because of you.
Your word in Psalms 91 says, You will protect me from the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, and I receive that promise. I believe that you are faithful to your word, Lord, you are a mighty and all-powerful God.

I enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your protection over my life. Thank you for being my safe place, for being my refuge. I am thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies. In the unseen world, the devil is working, trying to derail, derail me and destabilize me from the faith. So I call on you. This is a battle that I cannot fight with my physical hands, so I call on a power that is higher than I. I call on you, Jesus.

Your word, says the angel of the Lord, encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in him. Thank you for your promise of protection. A psalm that offers such a blessed hope. Let your angels of peace go ahead of me. Let them have charge over me. Father, I rest and I am at peace knowing that I don’t need to worry about protection when I am covered by the blood of Jesus. Give me peace so that I will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back.

I put my trust in you as I seek your blessings of divine protection today. I refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion.
Help me to trust in you and not to worry. Help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected. I am blessed because I am under the care of Jesus Christ. I am blessed because you watch over me each and every day.


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