I am opening many doors for you, and you must go through them. You know what you need to do. Stand up, move forward steadily without turning back. Challenges won’t hold you back, rumors won’t bother you, and slander and lies won’t shake you. You are a conqueror. The enemy has not defeated you. Your love, loyalty, and bravery are stronger. Your commitment to strive and endure remains strong.

I will make you gentle in spirit and humble in heart, but with unwavering determination. Your faith is unshakable. Today you receive this blessing. You know it’s true. I feel your heart tremble as these words forever imprint on your soul. You are reborn, no longer fearful. Should storms come again, you will find refuge in my arms. You’re looking for a miracle, and it will come quickly.

You’re in the right place, and your attitude is commendable. I am deeply pleased when you worship me alone in your room, laying your soul at my feet, shedding tears as you tell me all your pain and needs. I admire your faith and trust. Sometimes, you feel like you can’t share your troubles with anyone else, just you and me, understand? You’ve taken on this heavy load, but remember I’m here to help. You’ve sought me wholeheartedly, and I will always respond to you.

You need my help to break free from the things that hurt, confuse, and worry you. You long for my power, for peace and tranquility, to sleep soundly and wake up joyful. Here’s my answer. Hold tightly to the faith that keeps you going.
and the promises I’ve made to you. I’m your advocate, your defender, your shepherd, your provider, your God. I hold you in my safety. I am your friend.

Together we will celebrate when your long-awaited blessing arrives. I promise it, expect it, and guarantee it. You will receive it. Things are going to change. Fill your thoughts with my promises that bring healing. Change how you think. React differently. When you face challenges, remember first that I will never leave you. No matter how tough the trial, you can always hold my hand. You know I love you. I could never abandon you after giving you so much love.

You are my precious child, deeply important to me. Whenever you encounter tough situations, the enemy will try to bring you down.
pushing you into despair, but deep down, you know you’re not alone, not abandoned. You are invaluable to me. You are my beloved child. Never forget this truth. Always hold on to my promises. They are true, powerful, and effective. My covenant with you cannot be broken. My commitment to you is forever.

I will always be with you. I love you. If you’ve just woken up, say my name. If you go to bed weary and wake up anxious, call on me. If your mind is overwhelmed by sadness or thoughts of defeat, say my name. Shout it if you must, let your adversaries see your bravery in believing in me, steadfast because of your love for me, without shame. Sing it out, shout it loud, your voice is sweet to my ears.
Say my name. Call on me, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

From nightfall to dawn, keep calling my name. Talk to me with kindness. Express your love for me by simply saying my name. Heal your soul. Bring peace. Where threats quiet down, enemies disappear, illnesses leave, and pain fades from head to toe. My power performs miracles in a heart like yours, one that finds joy and is not embarrassed to call out my name at any time. Jesus, I love you. To push away all negative thoughts, say it loudly, Jesus, I trust in you.

Let fear leave and let strength and courage return to you. Go ahead, do it. Call my name with faith and confidence because it is certain that every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, and every nation, soul, and heart will declare,
that I, Jesus, am the King of kings, Lord of lords. My spirit will fill you and will always be with you. Know that in my holy name lies all strength, all power, all authority, and the whole universe waits for my return. Heaven and earth will fade away, but my words will last forever. But my words will persist. and I hold for you here blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

You have heard many say that there is power in the name of Jesus, and now it is time for you to say it, to feel it, to witness the amazing and wonderful events that can happen around you. I want your testimony to be genuine, to spread my grace and mercy with eternal love and majestic glory to everyone who approaches me each morning,
unafraid to speak boldly with courage, faith and confidence in my holy and powerful name. Say it, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in you always. When you come to ask of me, come confidently.

Show me your faith. Your gratitude is the best gift you can offer me. This moment we share is the most wonderful thing that can happen today. So come without fear. for I will not turn you away. Your sins have been washed away and paid for by my precious blood. There is no reason to feel ashamed when entering my presence. Even when you were farthest away, when you forgot about me, I had mercy on you. I sent thousands of angels to rescue you from the clutches of evil, to clear every obstacle from your path so you could come back to me.
Tomorrow, you will come again. you will bring good news to me. You will share with me the miracles you’ve started to see, the changes and wonderful things happening in your life.

Your loyalty will be confirmed, and I will listen with immense joy. This is why I have brought you here again, to transform your life. I don’t want you to go back to a place filled with hatred, scorn, sadness, and despair. I’m speaking to you. Will you believe me, or will you listen to those who try to pull you away from your faith, demanding perfection from you, while they themselves are filled with sin and wrongful thoughts? In this world, no one can claim perfection before me, so don’t lose your faith or spirit because of those who close doors on you.

Here you are dearly loved, and there’s only one true path. an open door for you to walk through and receive eternal life, complete happiness, and lasting joy. With me, you will always find love, acceptance, genuine affection, and holiness. You can come confidently day or night, whether you feel you have failed or if you are dealing with weaknesses that led you to mistakes and sins. Here, you are accepted. Come as you are, no matter your circumstances.

I always hear your prayer of repentance and I’m ready to give you another chance. If you accept my forgiveness and want to start over, just come and give me your heart. You don’t need to explain anything. I understand that you need my love and here I am, loving you.
Let me hold you close in your time of difficulty. I hear your thoughts and know you’re hurting today. From the moment you woke up, I’ve been listening. Your distressed soul felt alone, but I was already here, and I won’t leave you. There are days when you feel strong, but in this world full of hardship, don’t feel guilty or defeated if you think your faith is faltering.

I want to tell you something. You believe in me. You’ve witnessed many miracles, and you know I am always ready to help you. again and again. Listen to me and make this promise. If you feel good, you will believe, and even if you feel bad, you will continue to believe. My love envelops you, my hand supports you, and my word strengthens you.
Come to me every morning and night. Don’t stop, just because you think something in your life isn’t right. If you have failed, Know that my arms are always open to forgive you. If you feel like your faith has waned, remember, it’s not really your faith that’s wavering. It’s your emotions trying to deceive you.


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