Don’t skip Jesus’ message. I understand that you’re occupied with various matters in this world, but can you spare a moment for this message from Jesus?

He says, My son, I am your creator, your father, your friend. I love you with eternal and unconditional love. I chose you from before the foundation of the world and called you by name. You are mine, and I am yours. I desire an intimate relationship with you. Do you want this too?

I want to bestow upon you a special blessing that will transform your life. However, to receive it, you must hear my voice, believe my word, and follow my commandments. I am Jesus Christ, your Savior. I sacrificed myself on the cross to forgive all your sins and grant you eternal life.
Unfortunately, it seems you may not fully appreciate what I’ve done for you.

You’ve overlooked and rejected me, pursuing your own paths and those of the world. You’ve distanced yourself from me, but I’ve never forgotten you, and I will never abandon you. I have always been by your side, caring for you, protecting you, supporting you, healing you, comforting you, and guiding you.

I’ve performed wonders in your life, but you might not have recognized or thanked me. My son, can you do one thing for me? Share this message with the people you know and love. Please do it today. Don’t postpone it. If you do, I pray for you. promise to honor and reward you, fulfilling your heart’s desires. Spread this message to as many people as possible.
Subscribe to this channel to always receive blessings, and I will be overjoyed. I love you.


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