Why do bad people live well and rich, according to the Bible, while the rest of us struggle?

Let’s dive into what the Bible says about this puzzling reality. The Bible doesn’t shy away from this question. In Psalms and Job, we see righteous people wrestling with the prosperity of the wicked.

It’s a real head-scratcher, right? But here’s a key point. The Psalm 73 says, When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I entered the sanctuary of God. Then I understood their final destiny. It tells us that what we see isn’t the whole story. The wealth and comfort that wrongdoers may enjoy now are fleeting.

Their spiritual poverty matters more in the eyes of eternity. Meanwhile, those who live righteously gain something far more lasting—peace,
community, and eternal rewards that no earthly wealth can compete with. So, next time you feel down about injustice, remember, God’s justice prevails in the end. Wealth in this life can’t compare to the treasures stored up in heaven for those who follow his ways.

God bless you.


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