Who created God?

It’s a question as old as time itself and one that has sparked countless debates. Who created God?

Let’s explore what the Bible says and why this question might just have a mind-blowing answer. In the Bible, particularly in the book of Revelation 1.8, God declares, I am the Alpha and the Omega, meaning He is the beginning and the end. This tells us something profound. God doesn’t have a start or an end. He simply is.

Imagine a timeline that isn’t a straight line, but a circle. That’s eternity. God exists outside of the limitations of time and space that we understand. So, when we ask, who created God, we’re applying human logic to a divine mystery. The concept might seem mind-bending, but it’s rooted in philosophical and theological traditionsthat describe God as the uncaused cause.

Essentially, he is the origin of all things, but himself originates from nowhere and no one. This isn’t just about answering a question. It’s about realizing the magnitude of the divine nature. God’s existence challenges our understanding of reality and invites us into deeper contemplation of the infinite. So, next time you gaze up at the vast night sky, remember…

Some questions lead us not to simple answers, but to a greater awe of the mysteries that surround us.

God bless you.


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