Many families in this world originate from ancestors who never knew God personally. I come from such a family. Until my Dad passed away when I was 8 years, I never heard of anyone in my family talk about God our FatherJesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit.

The dream that changed my life.

When I grew up, I made up my mind not to follow the practices of my grandparents. I wanted to know more about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Then one night I got a strange dream.

In this dream I suddenly saw a beautiful new church building near my family’s rural home where I was born. I was so puzzled by this church building, so in this dream, I asked myself:

Where did this church come from? I have never seen a church in our family land.

Then suddenly I saw a hand stretch from Heaven. This divine hand gave me a key to open the door of this new church. A voice told me:

I have chosen you to stop generational curses in your family. You will serve me, and I want you to build for me a house of worship.

Then I woke up from this dream. Years later, I obeyed what God told me.

Generational blessings.

Dear reader, everything has an opposite. If there are generational curses, then there are generational blessings as well. In this article I am going to show you four things that will spark generational blessings in your family.

When you do what I am about to tell you, God will always remember your children, grandchildren, and all your future descendants.

Donating land for God’s work.

When you donate land for God’s work, our Father in Heaven will always remember you, your children, and all your grand children. God will command generational blessings in your family.

Constructing a church building. 

If Noah built an ark by himself, you can also build a church building to honor our Father in Heaven. Building a house of worship for God will spark generational blessings in your family. God will always remember you, your children, and your grand children for this act.

Donating generously to promote God’s Kingdom on Earth.

When you donate generously to promote God’s Kingdom on Earth, God will always remember you, your children and grand children. Your donations will spark generational blessings in your family.

Turning lost souls towards God’s Kingdom.

God will always remember you if you honestly turn lost souls to Jesus Christ. Getting personally involved into turning lost souls towards God Kingdom will spark generational blessings in your family. God will always remember your descendants because of your efforts.


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