You may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it happened to me. About eight years ago I had taken an office item from my workplace for use at home.

I did not know that what I had done would prevent God’s presence from coming into my home.

Later the spirit of God prompted me to take that item back to my workplace, and I knelt in my office to repent before God.

Then something supernatural suddenly happened as soon as I finished my prayer of repentance.

The mighty presence of God entered my office.

Suddenly, the powerful presence of God entered my heart, my body, my soul and spread all over my office! It was as if my whole workplace had caught an invisible supernatural fire.

It was as if heaven had suddenly shifted to my office!

This was a sign that what I had done was unlocking God’s presence to my whole life.

In connection with what I have just told you, I would like to show you five items in your home which can block the presence of God.

If you decide to get rid of these five items, God’s glory, honor, and presence will come to you and your family like a wildfire.

Stolen items.

A stolen item kept in your house can block the presence of God from entering your home (See Joshua chapter 7). Our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are all asking you to take back that item from where you got it, and then repent before God.

If you do this, God’s glory will enter your home.

Items related to sexual immorality.

If you are a Christian, and you are keeping anything related to sexual immorality or sexual gratification within your house, then you may find some difficulty experiencing God’s presence in your home.

If you decide to throw away these objects, God’s glory and presence will return to your house.

Illegal drugs.

God’s glory and presence can vanish from your home if you keep illegal drugs. If you decide to throw away these illegal drugs, God’s glory will return to your home.

Stolen money or money earned through ungodly ways.

Keeping stolen money or money earned through ungodly ways in your home can block God’s presence. Get rid of that money now, and repent before God. If you do these two things, our Father in Heaven will restore you.

Items related to sorcery and Satan.

Keeping items related to sorcery and devil worship can drive God’s presence from your home. Jesus Christ is asking you to get rid of these items right now. If you throw them away, God’s glory and presence will return to your home.


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