Our Father in Heaven forgives some people their sins but they fail to understand that they have been forgiven.

They continue walking with guilt in their hearts without realizing that Jesus Christ has washed away all their sins.

In this article I show you seven signs showing that God has forgiven you all your sins.

  1. Inner peace.

When God forgives you all your sins, you will feel peace in your heart. All condemnation will go away.

Listen to what the written word of God says about this peace:

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,

who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:1

  1. Seeing pure water in your dreams.

To see pure water, in any form, within your dreams is a very good sign. It shows that God has forgiven you all your sins.

  1. Inner happiness.

When God forgives you all your sins, you will feel a lot of happiness within your heart. This is exactly how the sinful woman in the Bible felt when Jesus Christ forgave her all her sins (see Luke 7:36-50).

  1. The feeling God’s presence.

When God forgives you your sins, you may suddenly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. You will feel God’s holy fire within your heart.

  1. Getting a dream of a clean water shower.

When Jesus Christ washes away all your sins, you may get a dream of seeing yourself in a clean water shower or in a rainfall shower.

Pure water symbolizes the Holy Spirit.


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