God is saying to you today, I will put you together in front of those who broke you. Don’t think it wasn’t seen by me. You will not only recover, but you will flourish. In the places where you felt abandoned and defeated, you will stand strong and victorious.

Remember, my child, my plans for you are to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. Let your heart be at peace. for I am with you in every step of this journey, mending every fracture, healing every wound, and restoring every lost hope. Where you were once shattered, now you will shine like a beacon, reflecting my love and strength. Trust in me, for I am your faithful protector, your healer, and your redeemer.

Do not dwell on the past or the pain it brought. Instead, lift your eyes to the horizon, where my promises unfold. You will see that my grace is sufficient for you, even in your weakest moments. Let your spirit rejoice, for you are being rebuilt stronger than ever, not just to withstand the trials, but to help others who walk in similar paths. If you receive this message, comment, Thank you, God, and share it with a friend.


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