If you don’t have faith in God, you can skip this video and move on. If you hate Jesus, just leave here. But if you love Jesus, I ask you to take just one minute of your time and listen to what he has to say to you now.

Dear son, know that you are special. It was I who created you in my image and likeness. If you believe that Jesus can transform all things, then he will. In the coming week, you will witness peace and prosperity flowing into your life. Faith in Jesus Christ can renew the strength of the weary and increase the blessings in your life this week. Although we face many trials in this world, have faith in God’s goodness and mercy.

Allow my love to fill every aspect of your life. Let’s face challenges and difficulties together with love and passion, my son. Can I ask you a favor? Share this video with your loved ones and friends, helping to spread my message of love and salvation. If you choose not to share, remember my words. If you deny me before others, I will also be forced to deny you before my father. I can count on you. Save the video and share as great news and blessings await you this week.

May Almighty God bless you richly. Now, the decision is in your hands. If you believe, please share this video with someone you love. If your faith in Jesus Christ is still strong, click the comment button and leave an Amen to ensure He remains by your side next week.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Son, and may God’s blessings always be upon you. Amen.


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