What I’m about to play for you is real audio from a real person named Dwayne who is actually healed and you can hear it happening real time. Here’s the backstory. Dwayne Miller was a pastor in Texas and in 1990 he contracted a flu and it ruined his vocal cords after seeing like 200 doctors. He had to step down from being a preacher because his voice was so raspy it was like The worst case of laryngitis. And his voice was always like that. So he stepped away from being a pastor. And one year, two years goes by.

They moved to Houston. And finally, two years later, they were just attending a church. And the other pastor says, hey, and I know the gift of God on your life.

Would you consider teaching this Bible study? We’re going through Psalms. And he reluctantly didn’t want to do it. And then he finally said yes. And what he was assigned to teach on was Psalm 103. which is beautiful, but one of the lines talks about God being a healer. And Dwayne was wrestling with this because he, a man of God who had been used to preach, couldn’t even preach any longer because of his voice. And this is actual audio of him teaching that Bible study class. Let’s listen.

So when the psalmist writes, and he heals all of my diseases, let me say to you that I believe God still heals. That hasn’t ended. That is not over. Now you have to be careful on how you do this.

Because there are folks who carry things to an excess and it becomes a show. And God has never intended that that be what it is. God heals in His sovereign will. I don’t know why God does things that He does. But I know that He does. And the only thing he requires of me is to allow him to be God and me to be me and let it be. To say that, since we don’t have anything after the book of Acts, that miracles ended at the book of Acts and they never happen again is equally as wrong. Because you have put God in a box both ways. And he doesn’t want to be in the box. So, the psalmist says, I’m excited. Bless the Lord, oh my soul.

One of his benefits is he heals all of mine. to suck diseases. In verse 4 he says, and he redeems my life from the pit. Now I like that verse just a whole lot. I have had and you have had in times past pit experiences. He’s starting to figure it out. We’ve both had… We’ve all had times when… Our lives seem to be in a pit, in a grave. And we didn’t have an answer for… He had been like this for two years. The pit we find ourselves in. Shaky. And I don’t understand this right now. I’m not quite sure what to say or do. You guys, you could hear it. It’s verifiable. There are many, many, many articles on him. You can look them up.

It’s all there. He was like that. His voice was like that for two years. And as he’s teaching on Psalm 103, even declaring to have faith in God, even though he was not healed, God healed him in the moment. It’s absolutely incredible. And as incredible as it is to hear that audio and his response, and I got the goosebumps, it’s just one of countless miracles that God has done and is still doing. doing today now I also want to say I don’t understand why some things don’t happen some things do happen there is mystery in God but I do know this I’m always going to be a person of faith seeking God in faith trusting him and believing because I know that he still does it I just want to quickly read with you Psalm 103 and show you right where he was reading let’s look at it right here.

It says this, And it goes on, and it’s absolutely beautiful. And the truth is, whether on this side of eternity or on the other, if you’re in Christ, you will absolutely, 100%, be healed at some point. And that is the hope of heaven. And that is the goodness of God. Take it from Dwayne. Take it from me. That God is still healing. I just want to pray for you. Maybe you’re facing something. Invite the Holy Spirit to heal you. Lord, I thank you for any person that stayed for this video. And I pray in the name of Jesus, by the power of your spirit, the same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead, the same spirit that healed this man. I pray that if there’s anybody watching this video,
that has need of healing, that you would heal them in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Let it be. God bless you. If God does do something in your life and you experience a healing, please type it in the comments, email me, get a hold of me. I want to hear about it. Keep believing God for his promises. God bless.


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