Sometimes it is hard to tell whether a dream you had during your sleep was ordinary, or it came from Heavenly Father.


A dream from our Heavenly Father is usually so clear that you can see even the smallest details. I can compare this clarity to watching a movie on a large, high quality cinema screen.

A dream from our Heavenly Father is usually so clear that you can see even the smallest details.
You wake up immediately after the divine dream.

In most cases, when a dream from Heavenly Father ends, you wake up immediately. God wakes you up so that you quickly remember all the details in that dream. Furthermore, God wants you to pray and act accordingly on the message of that dream.

God enables you to remember every detail.

Unlike ordinary dreams, God usually enables you to remember all the details in a divine dream. You can remember these details even after many years.

God usually speaks in riddles.

Another characteristic of divine dreams is that God usually doesn’t speak in a direct language as you may expect. Just as Jesus Christ used parables extensively, Heavenly Father uses the indirect dream language of riddles to communicate with people (see Numbers 12:7-8, and Daniel 5:12).

If you study all the dreams mentioned in the Bible, you will realize that God did not use a direct dream language in most of them but he used the language of riddles.

The main reason God uses riddles in dreams is that he wants people to seek him and his kingdom with all their hearts.

With most divine dreams, God doesn’t speak in a direct language. He speaks in a language of riddles.
Holy Fire

Sometimes a dream inspired by heaven is accompanied by the presence of Holy Spirit. You wake up from such a dream feeling the presence of God.


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