Number one, know that jesus is for you. Jesus himself said, in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for i have overcome the world. We got trouble in this world because the devil came in and messed it all up, but jesus came to make it right, and he’s overcome him and overcome the world.

Number two, you’ve got weapons that win. When you have Jesus as Lord and Savior, you have spiritual weapons that are victorious and put the devil on the run and enforce the victory of Jesus to bring heaven into the earth.

And number three, Jesus has put the devil under our feet. According to Luke 10, 19, Jesus says, hold, for I’ve given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, every demonic force and the devil himself, and to overcome all the power of the devil.

Beloved, we’re made to win and we need to know how to overcome because we will have trouble and we will have battles, but we’re made to be victorious.


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