Animals that God did not create, but sin and the devil did.

Ever wondered if all creatures are part of God’s original design? Let’s explore some animals that, according to some beliefs, came into existence due to sin and the devil’s influence. The last one might surprise you.

One, cockroaches, known for spreading diseases like leprosy. These critters feed on decaying matter. In the Garden of Eden, Nothing perished. The presence of cockroaches suggests a world tainted by sin.

Next up, flies. Before sin entered the world, no creatures perished. Flies which feed on decaying flesh wouldn’t fit into a sinless paradise. Their existence points to the aftermath of sin.

Three, leeches. These hermaphroditic creatures symbolize cross-fertilization and rely on a host for sustenance. It’s hard to imagine their parasitic nature fitting into the perfection of Eden.

Fourth are ticks. Starting life as larvae, they grow into adults that lay more eggs, often spreading diseases. Their blood-sucking nature and disease transmission seem at odds with a paradise free of death and decay.

Five, thorns. Though not animals, thorns are noteworthy. According to Genesis, thorns appeared after sin entered the world. Seen as instruments used by the devil to harm, they represent the physical manifestation of sin’s curse on the earth.

These examples remind us of the theological belief that some aspects of our world, including certain creatures, came about as a result of sin and the devil’s influence. They serve as a reminder of the fallen state of the world and the hope for redemption. Drop an amen if you have God in your heart.
God bless.


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