A woman in a wheelchair who suffered from a stroke on the left side of her body suddenly stood and ran in front of the congregation after the pastor prayed. She was instantly healed!

Bound On A Wheelchair

On June 8 last year, Seanna Evans was rushed to the emergency room because of a stroke. She collapsed and had to stay at the hospital for a month. Since the incident happened, she had to be bound in a wheelchair because she couldn’t move half of her body.

Seanna’s health condition deeply broke her heart. She sometimes cried because she couldn’t even tie her shoelaces. Every time her son would hear her, it also broke his heart.

Seanna went through therapy to recover. However, her therapist told her it would take her two years to heal. Deep inside, she felt angry and upset. But even then, she was forced to accept the reality of her situation while holding on to her “mustard seed” faith. Then, two months later, a remarkable miracle unfolded before her eyes.

God Honors The Mustard Seed Faith

One Sunday morning, Pastor Jeremy Miller preached in the church where Seanna and her family attended. One of the staff then asked the pastor to pray for Seanna’s healing. So, he prayed, and suddenly Seanna felt warmth in her left hand when she couldn’t feel it at all before. She was surprised and said, “Okay, God! If that’s what we’re going to do today, let’s go!”

The healing continued from Seanna’s left hand up to her left arm. Soon, she got out of her wheelchair and stood in front of the congregation. As Pastor Jeremy testified to the healing of her left arm, she also felt a tingle down from her feet up to her body. Seanna then felt a heat on top of her head. The next thing she knew, she was already able to raise her left arm and ran in front of the church without her wheelchair.

On that Sunday, everyone witnessed Seanna’s miraculous healing right before their eyes!

Watch what happened in the video below.


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