A woman who never gave up seeking God for answers after a long time received her breakthrough. She believed in God’s Word that if she kept knocking, the door would be opened, and God answered.

A Message To Those Who Feel Like God Is Quiet

As someone who has experienced a season where she felt like God was quiet, Trisha Fenimore shared words of encouragement. She addressed her message to those who feel like God is quiet with them.

God Answered

“To the one who is praying and not hearing anything in response, the one who’s getting angry and impatient,” she said.

Trisha then shared her story about what happened to her two years ago. She faced a difficult battle with her family during that time. She prayed for certain family members and asked God for His direction about her concerns. However, she heard nothing from God.

She recounted, “I said ‘God what do You want me to do? I’m here, I’m waiting on You. I’m not gonna move without Your Word. Tell me what You want me to do.’ Nothing.”

She Kept Seeking

Trisha was desperate to hear answers from God. So, in the following days, she intensified her prayers by doing it “multiple times a day.” And once again, she would pray and wait on God for His Word. But the same thing happened, she heard nothing.

“And I started getting angry and I started getting impatient,” she recalled. “Every day, every prayer would go by and nothing would happen. And I got more angry and I got more impatient.”

God Answered

One day, Trisha decided to open up about how she felt towards God, believing that God was big enough to handle her emotions.

“And the emotions that we keep Him out of, we welcome the devil into,” she remarked. “So, I brought those emotions to God and I reminded Him of His Word.”

Trisha desperately sought God and she kept knocking. She told Him, “You told me ask and it will be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened. So I’m gonna keep knocking on this door until You answer me. If for no other reason, then You just get sick of hearing me knocking. I’m gonna keep knocking.”

To her surprise, God finally responded and gave her the answer she waited for.

“So, today, I just wanna encourage somebody to keep knocking and the door will be opened,” she stressed.


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