What happens when you pass? A biblical perspective. In the Bible, a tapestry of promises unfolds, telling us of a journey to embrace with hope and faith. For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

This isn’t just poetry, it’s an eternal truth about our soul’s journey beyond this world. The moment we pass, we step into the presence of God, Imagine being enveloped in absolute love, transcending our earthly understanding.

The Bible also speaks of judgment in Hebrews 9.27. But for those who have faith, this judgment is not to be feared. It’s a step before entering an eternal joy. In Revelation 21.4, we are promised a place where there is no pain, grief, or tears, only everlasting joy. Feeling the weight of the world.
Remember, this life is but a journey and death is not the end but a transition to something far more beautiful. In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. Let this hope inspire you to live a life of love, faith and service.


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