Given your life to Christ.

The first sign you’re on your way to heaven is having given your life to Christ. Ephesians 2, 8, 9 reminds us that salvation is a gift through faith, not by works. Salvation is the gateway to eternal bliss attained only through faith in Jesus Christ. Servant of God.

Another clear sign is your transformation into a servant of God. John 12, 26 states, If any man serves me, let him follow me, and where I am, there shall also my servant be. Serving God demonstrates a submission to his will, a crucial aspect of a believer bound for heaven. A peaceful heart, John 14, 1, 3 assures believers not to be trouble for in God’s house are many mansions.

The promise of Jesus’s return brings peace. A believer with assurance of heaven has a peaceful heart, knowing that this world is not their final home. So, if you’ve given your life to Christ, serve him as your Lord and carry a peaceful heart, Y

ou have exciting days ahead, days where you’ll see God face to face, knowing He was with you every step of the way. Embrace the hope of heaven.


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