Angels are everywhere, and they are always present in your life. They have been assigned to each of us to guide you, watch over you, assist you, and protect you in your everyday life.

This means that they could also be present in your house at various times, and they often leave signs to let you know that they visited your house or they are nearby. So how do you know if an angel is in your house?

here’s how angels make their presence known and how you can improve your sensitivity to their energy. Before we start, please like our video and share so your friends and family can know if an angel is in their house. Sign number one, finding feathers.

One of the most common signs that angels are present is when you find feathers in your space. When you see feathers and there is no possible source for this in your house, It is a sign that an angel has visited you in your home. It is a beautiful sign that they are near guiding, loving, and helping you in the background.

Sign number two, finding coins. Finding coins is also one of the signs that angels are present in your house. When you find a coin randomly or someone gives you a coin, you may need to pay attention. Check your coin. Does it have something significant for you in it, like the date of the coin? What were you thinking or asking for right before you notice it?
Observe what’s happening within and around you when you found the coin, so you will be able to decipher the message that your angels were trying to tell you.

Sign number three, spiritual chills. Whenever angels are in the same space as you, there is a possibility that you’ll experience a spiritual chill. This is because angels are beings of very high frequency. This means that whenever they’re near you, there will be a noticeable change in the surrounding energy as angels are so energizing. That’s why it is not a surprise when you feel some tingling sensations on your skin which are also called spiritual chills. Humans have lower energy vibration than angels so when our own energy gets in contact with the energy of angels it amplifies your energy and vibration as well which is why spiritual chills happen
manifest as goose bumps or skin tingling for no apparent reason.

Sign number four, ringing in your ears. Another sign of an angel presence is when you experience hearing something ringing in your ears. When you don’t have a medical condition, this could be a sign that you are tuned into the divine sound of angels and the universe. However, this comes as a ringing in the ears because it is believed to be a message from your angels that you are not yet ready to hear. It is your angels’ way of downloading their guidance and knowledge to your mind and allowing your consciousness to translate it when the time is right. And as you continue to grow spiritually and raise your vibration, you will be more tuned into angels.

Sign number five, feelings of warmth. Another unmistakable sign that angels are in your house is when you feel heavenly warmth and comfort. Their presence invokes feelings of positivity while their guidance brings you confidence. Archangel Michael is mostly associated with this warmth, but it can also be attributed to other angels because of their high energy vibration. This warmness is a result of the energy shift when spiritual beings enter the physical world. That’s why you may experience a sudden change in temperature and feelings of warmth when angels are present. It may be subtle, like someone just turned up the temperature in the room, or can be as high and as fast as a hot flash.

Sign number six, music angels. Presence may also be revealed through music.
There were people who heard angelic music and singing that seemed to be coming from beyond the physical world. Another way is through recurring songs or a series of songs having similar themes. These are ways of your angels transmitting to communicate with you and to let you know of their presence.

Sign number seven, butterflies in your stomach. Angels can also make you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach. While this feeling can be felt when you get excited or nervous, there can be times when you feel it for no reason. When this happens, this could mean that angels are visiting you. They may be coming through and connecting with you through your solar plexus chakra. This happens as angels may want to guide you and help you make better choices
in any crucial decisions you may be facing through your gut feeling.

Sign number eight. Smelling sweet scents. Angels may also make their presence known through sweet scents that you can’t tell where it’s coming from. Most of the time, the source of the smell is obvious and can be easily identified when a particular scent appear out of nowhere and directly speaks to your soul, triggering some special memories. These kinds of scents are coming from your angels. What’s more interesting is that angels have unique scents that will help you identify whose visiting guardian angels are associated to minty chocolate smells, while archangels to flaw scents.

Sign number nine, you feel you’re not alone. You can also tell when an angel is present in your house when you feel that you’re not alone.
Even if you are when you feel a presence, but you are not afraid or worried, but feel calm and peaceful instead. It is your angel visiting you in your house. This presence brings positive feelings and the inner knowing that you are not alone and you are guided and supported by higher forces.

Sign number 10. Flashes of light. Flashes of light are one of the most common signs that angels are visiting your house. Seeing unusual or unexplained flashes or shimmers of light, seeing color around you or another person is a sure sign of an angel’s presence. This is because angels are beings of light and love, and it only makes sense that angels would send this sign to inform you of their presence.

These are some of the most common signs that angels are in your house.
Invoke their presence and invite them in your home, so your home will be filled with blessings and wrapped in an angel’s protection every day. Please don’t forget to like and share this video so your friends and family member can know angel presence in their house.


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