Number one, worrying. Worry is worship to the devil. And God says we shall cast our worries unto him and be anxious for nothing. So give it to God and let him take the weight of your worries.

Number two, speaking word curses over your life. Life and death are in the power of your tongue. What you speak is you become, so stop speaking negatively over yourself. Instead, start speaking God’s Word over your life so that you can start to see yourself the way he does.

Number three, allowing your fears to control you. The devil is a liar. God does not give you a spirit of fear. The enemy places fears and doubts in your mind to prevent you from becoming who God has called you to be.
But remember, God walks before you and he’s always with you, so why should you be afraid?

Number four, people-pleasing stop making decisions based off of what other people will think about you. When you’re walking in God, you’re not going to be liked because you make decisions opposite of what people think is right. Focus on pleasing God.


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