What is a good mother?

The Bible gives us some amazing insights. Let’s explore what God’s word says about being a wonderful godly mom.

You’re going to love this. Number one, nurturing love. A good mother shows unconditional love. Proverbs 31 26 speaks of the virtuous woman. She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

A mother’s love and wisdom shape her children’s lives in powerful ways. Number two, teaching God’s ways. Deuteronomy 6, 6, 7 tells us, these commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.

A good mother teaches her children about God’s love and his word, guiding them in faith and values. Number three, hard work and dedication. Proverbs 31, 27 says,

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. A good mother works diligently to care for her family, showing dedication and strength every day. Being a good mother isn’t about perfection. It’s about love, faith, and hard work. Moms, you are incredible. Keep shining and showing God’s love through your actions. Drop an amen if you agree, and pass this on to someone who needs it. God bless.


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