Ever feel like there’s a barrier between you and God? Maybe you’re praying, reading the Bible, but still feeling distant? Let’s dive into three things the Bible tells us to stop doing to bridge that gap and draw closer to God. Number one, stop worrying about tomorrow. Matthew 6, 34 hits hard. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Worrying about the future distracts us from the present moment where God is actively working in our lives. Let go of anxiety and trust that God has your future under control. He promises to provide and guide you through every twist and turn. Embrace today and lean on Him for strength.

In Matthew 7, 1-2, Jesus warns, Judging others creates a wall between us and God because it fosters a spirit of pride and self-righteousness. Instead, practice compassion and empathy. Remember, We all fall short and are in need of grace. By lifting others up, we reflect God’s love and draw closer to His heart. Galatians 2.20 reminds us, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Living selfishly blinds us to the needs of others and to the purpose God has for us.

Surrender your desires and ambitions to God. Live for Him, serve others, and watch how your relationship with God deepens as you align your life with His will.
It’s time to stop worrying, judging, and living for yourself. Embrace trust, compassion, and selflessness. When you do, You’ll find yourself walking hand in hand with God closer than ever before. Stay blessed and keep the faith. Drop an amen if you agree and pass this to someone who needs it. God bless.


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