The Bible says smokers won’t enter the kingdom of God. Let’s dive into this powerful truth together. The Bible guides us to honor our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6, 19-20 Smoking harms our health and pollutes this sacred temple. By choosing to smoke, we’re not only endangering our physical well-being, but also disregarding the divine purpose God has for our lives.

Imagine a life free from addiction. a life where every breath you take glorifies God. When we align our actions with His Word, we not only improve our health, but also draw closer to His grace and love. Your journey to a smoke-free life can start today. Remember, it’s never too late to turn away from harmful habits and embrace the fullness of life that God offers.

With faith, prayer, and support from your community, You can overcome smoking and enter the abundant life God has prepared for you. You are loved, you are valued, and with God’s help, you can do this. Drop an amen if you agree. And pass this to someone who needs it. God bless.


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