When God sends you someone, he will make it very clear that it is from him. Here are five signs that someone is sent by God.

Number one, they put God first. This is so important because God is going to put people in your life who have a heart for him and who are going to help you grow closer to him as well.

Number two, you receive confirmation from the Lord. Now, God has many different ways of confirming relationships and people he wants to put into our lives. Some of the ways that I have seen him confirm things in my life is through one, the word of God. Like the amount of times God has given me scriptures about people he has put in my life.

He’s shown me biblical stories of when he has put two people together. or friends together or whatever that looks like for his purpose. He’ll even show me through movies and music and he’ll show me through wise counsel, through a friend. He’ll show me through circumstances like he will just confirm one after the other after the other to make sure that I know that this is something special.

Number three, this person makes you better. Very rarely is God going to send someone into your life who makes you the worst version of yourself. God is so kind to put people in our lives to strengthen us for the purpose that we have been called to. To make us better, help us grow closer to Him, to help us grow into the best version of ourselves, like He wants to put people in our lives who will help us become the people that God created us to be.

  1. You complement each other. very rarely does the lord put you with someone who you’re like a spitting image with. Because if you are so much like the other person, then it’s going to be hard. You’re going to have the same weaknesses that that person has, and you’re going to have the same strengths as them. And because of that, you’re not able to help each other as much as if your weaknesses are where they’re really strong and where you’re really strong. They’re very weak. and that is when god can intentionally put two people together to be like, hay when one person falls, the other person can pick them up, and then the other person falls, the other person can pick them up, and both of y’all can help each other whether it’s a friendship whether it’s a relationship whether it’s husband and wife, like, God is going to put you with someone who you are complemented to.
  2. Number five, they are there to help you run your race. just as you are there to help them run theirs. So there is a lot of spiritual warfare that we encounter on a daily basis. There are a lot of times that we just want to stop running the race that God has set before us. We want to give up on the dreams God has put in our hearts. We want to, even sometimes, be like, why do I keep showing up to read the Word every day? Pray every day, and you can just grow weary in your faith sometimes. But God, Often. When I’m feeling the most weary in my faith and weary in my race and i’m just getting tired, that is when god will send a running buddy into my life to help me run and to keep me going, because he knows that.
    I can’t do it alone. It even says in ecclesiastes that two are better than one. And it says in Genesis, it’s not good for man to be alone. Pray and ask God to send running buddies into your life to help strengthen you in your race and also for you to help strengthen them as you both run towards the Lord. Drop an amen if you have God in your heart. My blessings come from the grace of God and please follow me so I can share it with you. Leave us a follow for more videos. God bless.


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