“I died and came back to life — here’s the truth about the ‘white light.’” Kevin Hill, a 55-year-old Englishman from Derby, shares his experience about what he saw when presumed dead by doctors for several minutes. Read on to find out more about his experience!

Who Is Kevin Hill?

Kevin Hill, a man who died for a while and visited the afterlife, shares his account of what he saw. He shared his experience in the hereafter after being miraculously revived by the doctors

Background On His Condition

Kevin Hill went through a heart-valve surgery last year. He faced complications after the operation, and his heart stopped beating for a few minutes.

Kevin Dubbed ‘The Miracle Man’ By Doctors

Doctors called Kevin Hill, the 55-year-old, ‘The Miracle Man’ after he was revived. He informed South West News Service about a ‘spirit realm’ he visited after his death.

Why Is He Called The Miracle Man?


Unsplash | Alistair MacRobert

The doctors call him The Miracle Man because the incarnation is a wild concept many don’t believe in. It is not every day we hear about people coming back to life. 

Kevin Shares His Experience

“I wasn’t looking down at my body, but I was separated from my body,” explained the Englishman. “It was like I was in the spirit realm. I was conscious of what was going on, but I had much peace”.

He Knew It Wasn’t His Time To Die

“Then I just went to sleep, and I woke up alive, and the bleeding had stopped,” he said. “I knew it wasn’t my time to die.” 

Kevin Shares Details

Kevin shared what he saw and how he felt when asked about what he saw. It is precisely what most of us imagine death to be like. 

It Was A ‘Peaceful’ Experience For Hill

Hill went to explain that he didn’t see any white light, and there was no sign of heaven. Instead, he just explained the entire experience as ‘peaceful.’ 

Kevin’s Health Complications

Kevin’s health complications began in 2021 when his legs swelled up because of excess water retention. A visit to the doctors revealed that he had cardiac problems.

His Health Problems Require Surgery Right Away

Doctors revealed that the water retention was due to Hill’s heart valves parting two ways instead of three. The issue required surgical treatment right away. 

More Health Issues Began

It was just the beginning of more complications Hill would face in his medical journey. Soon he contracted more health issues after the surgery.

Hill Contracts Calciphylaxis

Once the surgery was over, Hill contracted calciphylaxis. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is a severe and uncommon disease where calcium gathers in the fat and skin tissues. 

Hill’s Skin Was Eating Away At Him

“I had the disease for months. My skin was eating away at me,” recalled Kevin. Later, his legs began to bleed out, and the situation only worsened for him.

Blood Loss Leads To Death

“I had three days where my legs were bleeding out – it just wouldn’t stop.” Hill lost over two liters of blood which eventually led to his temporary death. 

Doctors Revived Kevin

The doctors in the room revived Kevin, who was in excruciating pain. “I would cry for hours. My pain level was 100 out of 10”.

Kevin Returns!

The explosive pain did not stop Kevin from being grateful for another life. Even though he was gone for a while, Kevin returned and shared his experience.

Kevin Not Alone

While undergoing this difficult time, Kevin was not alone and had his wife beside him. She stayed with him throughout the procedure and for aftercare as well.

He Is Finally Home

Kevin has now fully recovered from his condition and the post-procedure complications. After being hospitalized for a whole year, he is finally home. 

It Was An Impactful Incident For Hill

The incident was not only insightful but also spiritually rejuvenating for Hill. He claims that it has left him completely changed and a different person.


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